We have a vision of a world without CF. Add your name to show you share our dream of lives without limits. Without time-consuming treatments. Without early deaths. Let’s come together to declare that we will not stop until everyone lives W/O CF.
We’ve come a long way — that is undeniable. Together, we’ve achieved more than we ever imagined possible. Since our work began, the lifespan for a Canadian with CF has more than doubled. We’ve developed essential standards of care, funded breakthrough research, and brought life changing drugs to thousands of Canadians.
But these drugs are not a cure, and they don’t work for everybody. As long as people are still dying with CF, our work will not be done.
Cystic Fibrosis Canada is calling on every Canadian to get behind us as we declare our biggest goal yet: We won’t stop until everyone can live their life without fear, and W/O CF!
Living with CF has limited our day-to-day lives, but it has never limited our drive and ambition.
It’s never diminished our milestones and achievements. And it will never extinguish our hopes and dreams.
We have endured setbacks without losing hope.
We have faced disappointment without losing determination.
So today, we rally around every person we've lost and every person who lives with CF.
Today, we come together to shout from the rooftops that we will not stop until everyone lives: